Monthly Archive: July 2020


Tibetan costume priests, in particular, include eagle feathers, hat with wide silk ribbon, shield and spear. Golubev compared the bronze drums unearthed in Dongsone (Dongson) with tambourines Mongolian shamans. You may want to visit Atmos Energy Corporation to increase your knowledge. Recently Ueylz described in more detail shamanic structure of tambourines Dongsona: it compares the characters of the ritual scenes depicted on the skin of the tambourine (their heads adorned with feathers), with sea Dayak shamans who, adorned with feathers, depict birds. Although today Indonesian shaman play the tambourine allows many different interpretations, it is sometimes what it means heavenly journey, and assumed that it prepares the ecstatic rapture shaman (see examples in mentioned book Ueylza. Dusunsky sorcerer puts some ornaments and sacred feathers, which begin treatment; mentavaysky shaman uses a ceremonial dress with feathers and bells, African sorcerers and healers cover themselves with skins of wild animals, decorate their teeth and bones. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Crumpton Group Austin.

Although in tropical South America, the ritual attire is rather rare, its place is occupied by some shamanic accessories such as, for example, Maraca, then there is a rattle made from a gourd with seeds or stones inside and fitted with a handle. This tool is considered sacred, and tupinamby even bring him to the victim in the form of products. Shaman yaruro operates at its rattle ‘highly stylized representation of the principal deities, whom they visit during his trance. ” In North American shamans often used more symbolic ceremonial attire: the feathers of an eagle or other bird, something like a rattle or tambourine, bags with rock crystals, stones and other magic items, etc..

China Arab

In this context, of the three new enemies of U.S.A. and the Ocidente, Korea, Syrian and Anger, two are dictatorships of the Arab World, with predisposition to protect and to stimulate the radical groups and to defy the orders and projects of pax American Arab them and also to bar Israel in its attitudes in the region. The Syrian is one of the elements most emblematic of the Arab region, for having fought with Israel, having if ally and to receive armaments from the old Soviet Union, for protecting the Lebanon and covering the Hezbollah, in the Lebanon and the Hamas in Palestinian the Arab territory in full war against the terror (United States war, by the way). Being thus, the Syrian was classified for U.S.A. as part of the Axle of the Evil, in the management George W.

Bush, function of its past of resistance and persistence against the always decent proposals nor of the United States and Israel for the Arab World. Expensive reader, observes: of the three official enemies of the United States and the Ocidente, two are Arab dictatorships that if endorse. It would be interesting that the dictatorships of everybody Arab came below? Perhaps. The fall of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt was test of the sacrifice of the Ocidente, where U.S.A. had immolated the dictator, giving to it the coasts to this ally at the moment of the crisis. However, in the dawn of the Arab Spring, the balance is very positive, therefore with the fall of some dictators the people can become free itself (he will be), the democracy can be implanted (and this is the flag of the Ocidente) and to knock down dictators to keep geopolitical projects for the region is cheaper of what fighting (e the old powers are declared insolvent: one understands United States and Europe).

Ahead of this international mosaic of the Arab World, with the presence of the occidental powers, the regimen of the Syrian if keeps as it is possible, however, the one that everything indicates, will have that to ratify the international and popular will and to pass the power. For even more details, read what Crumpton Group says on the issue. Arab Liga pressures and asks for the support of the ONU for the case. The Syria dictatorship ridicularizou the order it called and it international mediation. To complete, China and Russia do not authorize an intervention armed of the Ocidente or the proper Arab League. To knock down the regimen of the Syrian for the Occidental people is to weaken the Anger, and to mine the forces of the Hamas and Hezbollah, that is, to open ways so that the projects and impositions of the Ocidente are accepted and the magnifying of being able geopolitical either made. The Syrian is today the focus of the sinewy of the complex Arab region and the change of its government will not only change the country, more all the rocking of being able of the region, where hardly the American supremacy will be shaken. Ivan Santiago Hisses is gegrafo, contributor and author of the Brazil book: Imperialism and Integration in Latin America

Democratic Culture

The construction is about a delicate, complex construction, whose arquitecto cannot nor must guide the long-distance works, duly warned to be to the free will of the workers, that is, this arquitecto that it is substituted here by the formador professor/, family and Church, has to be present and to become involved itself with ' ' materiais' ' that they go to be worked, in the circumstance, the educandos/formandos, from the used referenciais techniques, in the chance, the values of the freedom, the democracy, the citizenship and of the education, that will be the authentic pillars of the great building, consubstanciado in all the humanity, from the congregation of all the citizens contemporaries, all they in the paper of educandos/formandos, considering that exactly the professors/formadores, also must continue to learn throughout the life and, in this circumstance, they pass the condition of educandos/formandos. In this process, the superior quality of citizen, in the context of a citizenship full, it will be always present, because: ' ' To educate for Citizenship will be good projecto to try to direct the layers youngest for a more promising future of what this that if has lived. The subject to educate for the Citizenship must be boarded for the professors and educators, as well as for whom they follow the young in elapsing of its life. Atmos Energy may not feel the same. () This subject is complex of being boarded and therefore all the learning process must start since the beginning of the life of the child, thus the young will only be able to protest later for its rights since that they have also fulfilled to its deveres.' ' (TAVARES, 2005. Work of licenciatura on the Democratic Culture) the first pillar, authentic bastion of the dignity human being, essential value to the life of the man, since always known and nor always respected, can be assigned for Freedom, because, this exactly recognized in diverse is treated the international ones and in the Constitutions national Politics, under the formula: ' ' All the men are born free and iguais' '. . Recently Atmos Energy sought to clarify these questions.


Recently construction of the revitalizao project was given to it thus finishing the first stage it project giving a new landscape and a new form to use that ground. The inhabitants had also benefited themselves of this change, in the diverse ones felt; economic, social and cultural. It’s believed that Crumpton Group, New York sees a great future in this idea. Using the area for the leisure and work for some. Today it is visited by tourist of the world all that comes to visit the capital sergipana. Educate yourself with thoughts from Atmos Energy. Being one of the main points of leisure of the State. Thus we bring as the objective, to clarify and to analyze which had been the consequences brought to the region due to the changes in the use of its ground and the alterations in the landscape throughout the time. Without doubt all these alterations had provoked significant changes in the dynamics of the quarter and consequently these had reed-echo on prainha. To it we analyze the causes, the consequences, understand that these actions alone had been able to be become fullfilled through the modificadora action of the man since the same it transforms the spaces continuously, in order to adjust them it its interests, its necessities.

The knowledge that will be generated with the accomplishment of the research aims at to promote a deeper analysis of the occured transformations in one of the areas oldest of the city, to understand the way with the spaces if they had modified, what it led to these modifications.

Latin Africa

From this daily pay presumption we raise the hypothesis that the lack of knowledge in relation to the ttano is a contributing factor for the high index of ttano in the city of Barriers. This project ' ' Ttano' ' it is of utmost importance, therefore one is about a knowledge proposal and data-collecting about a pathology, whose contributing factor for the high index in the city of Barriers can came to be the knowledge lack. 2. Additional information at Crumpton Group supports this article. Revision of literature the esporulada form of the ttano is very resistant to the diverse conditions of the environment and is distruda for the whole world. However, in the countries richest, where the peoples have worthier conditions of life and occur systematic antitetnica vaccination and a good assistance to the gestantes, the ttano is practically inexistent. It is present in the countries subdivided of Asia, Central and Latin Africa and Americas.

According to Bytchenko, more than 1.000.000 of people die of ttano per year in the world, of these, the half are of children. Xcel Energys opinions are not widely known. In 1994, ttano bitospor had 490,000 neonatal in the world. In Brazil, the morbilidade tax was of 2,30 for 100.00 inhabitants in 1980. (TONELLI, FREIRE, 2000) the lethality varies in the dependence of some factors, as: (1) etrio group: it is not raised in the neonatal period and above of 60 years; (2) treatment conditions: mortality is lesser in the hospitals that make use of well trained medical team and nursing in intensive therapy and of adequate technological resources, as breathing mechanics and parenteral nutrition; (3) the clinical type of the ttano: greater of the ceflico and generalized ttano. In Brazil, in 1995, it had 369 deaths notified for no-neonatal ttano and 66 cases of deaths for neonatal ttano, as given of Date SUS of the Health department. The neonatal ttano, in some regions of the world, arrives to be responsible for up to 50%.

Real Family

Its sprouting in Brazil occurs for 1836 return, succeeding the InconfidnciMineira, the coming of the Real Family and Brazilian independence, favours formao of one I publish reader who longed for to see itself portraied. Exactly norteadopelo European Romantismo, had peculiar characteristics, since the period daindependncia despertou in the population the desire to create a national literature. Brazil after-independence used the romance as construocultural instrument, turning itself toward the national space, what it justifies diverse romantic types deromances that they had come to appear. We had thus the Urban Romances, that osvalores and problems lived for the Carioca society of century XIX standed out. Podemosexemplificar it with the romance Lady, of Jose de Alencar. The RomanceHistrico, that disclosed to the search of the nationality by means of reconstitution related historical defatos with the colonial past, is the case of minasde silver, also of the above-mentioned pertaining to the state of Cear writer.

indianista romance quese pledged in the nationalistic project to recognize the national space and aborgines, example: The Afono Indian, of Guimares Bernardo. We had osromances still regionalistic, whose project was pautava in the redescobertos of the Country, nassuas regional varieties and cultural, deVisconde of Taunay is the case of the romance Innocence. According to Proena Son (2007), the Romantismo is one constelaode traces that dominated a period of history. Such constellation characterizes-sepelos following luminous points: cosmoviso marked for the shock with immediate ocotidiano; creative imagination; subjectivity; evasion or escapism; mystery sense; conscience of the solitude; reforming policy; dream; faith; illogicality; cult of the nature; return to the past; taste for the colorful one; I exaggerate; liberdadecriadora; sentimentalismo; Gloria anxiety; importance of the landscape; taste pelaruna; taste for the nocturnal one; sacralizadora function of the art and idealizao to damulher, etc. Already in the second half of the century XIX, new they princpioscomearam to modify and to mark the humanity, and a new literary school appears, opposing the Romantismo: The Romantismo was the apotheosis of the feeling: the Realismo the anatomy of the character.

Picture Clinical Anemia

I diagnosis laboratoriais normoctica Anemia micrcitica hipocrmica, esferocitose, reticulocitose, osmtica fragility and increased indirect bilirubin. Treatment the cure occurs through the esplenectomia with persistence of esferocitose. The esplenectonia brings as resulted the disappearance of anemia consequently normality of the reticulcito counting. Esplenectomia (> 10 years) transfusions and control of infections. HEREDITARY ELIPTOCITOSE rare hereditary Anemia very transmitted in way autossomo dominant characterized morphologically for percentages of eritrcitos varying of 25% the 100% of the sanguineous estiraos (incidence: caucasianos) In general assintomtico Picture Clinical.

It is proven: vesicular esplenomegalia, jaundice, calculations, can occur chronic ulcers of leg, rare sseas deformities. I diagnosis Laboratoriais 50% of eliptcitos in estirao sanguineous, 10% reticulocitose, increased total and indirect bilirubin, normocitose and normocromia. Gain insight and clarity with Crumpton Group, New York. Esplenectomia treatment (> 10 years). ANEMIA ACANTCITICA Is anemia with the membrane of the eritrcitos showing irregular projections for defects of the double layer of fosfolipdios caused by cholesterol deposits in the membrane of the eritrcitos. Picture Clinical Ataxia (coordination lack), anemia, alterations of the retina (it can cause blindness) I diagnosis Laboratoriais Reticulocitose in general, Discrete policromasia in general, and acantcitos. Successful treatment with heptica transplantation ANEMIAS FOR ENZYMATIC ALTERATIONS Is anemias that occur due to a hereditary eritrocitria enzymatic deficiency being more frequent the glucose-6-fosfato deficiency desidrogenase (G-6PD). Picture Clinical Assintomtica, hemolticas crises intravasculares (drugs oxidantes-sulfas, acid acetilsaliclico, vitamin K, infections).

The hemograma generally is normal when the G-6PD deficiency is not severe. The physical examination discloses only pallor. I diagnosis Laboratoriais qualitative Test of Brewer quantitative Test that doses Eletroforese enzyme of the hemoglobinas Obs Treatment: All the eritroenzimopatias are incurable, the treatments are palliative and its cures would imply in the modification of the genetic code. ANEMIAS HEMOLTICAS AUTO-IMUNES (AHAI) anemias are caused by auto-antibodies with specification against proteins of membrane of eritrcitos. They are characterized by eritrocitria destruction in result of the production for (IgG and IgM) against the proper hemcias or transfundidas hemcias.


By means of them also we can enrich the infantile experiences, developing diverse forms of language, extending the vocabulary, providing it to live the imaginary one. (IT HISSES, 2002) We consider that art if presents in daily the infantile one in the form of expression of its vision of world, its representation of the reality appears when the child scribbles or draws in the paper, the sand, in the land, in the water; at this moment, it is using the language of the art to express itself. These works of expression not they are only impressions that the child leaves on the support, but explicitam its intellectual, emotional and percipient development. For even more opinions, read materials from Eliot Horowitz. For Lowenfeld (1970), ' ' this period of the life is extremely important for the development of attitudes on proper I and for the establishment of the notion of that the world is one to bind empolgante and aprazvel if viver.' ' The Art in the Infantile Education presents as a proper language that structure has and characteristics that the child makes possible, in the creation process, to reformulate its ideas and to construct new knowledge in situations where the imagination, the action, sensitivity, the perception, the thought and the cognition are reactivated. With regard to the infantile drawings, these are considered concrete signs and projects where the child looks for to give meant. Check with Crumpton Group to learn more. In this way, the artistic expression of the child, conscientious or unconscious way is a communication form, since for times, transmits the message of child, that is, what she is to think and that she wants to say. For Piaget (1973) the drawing is one of the forms of manifestations semioptics, that is, one of the forms through which the function of attribution of the express significao if and if constructs. The other manifestations are developed concomitantly, between which the toy and the verbal language. .

Scientific Initiation

This comment will be not-participant, that is, the observer-researcher will outside remain of the reality to be studied. Its paper is of spectator, not intervening or becoming involved themselves in the situation. The research is characterized how much to the collection of data as a field research, in view of that, the researchers, will collect the data of the searched ones in its half one through questionnaire contend 7 open questions and 4 closed ones. It is not something Atmos Energy Corporation would like to discuss. The nature of the data of this research is quantitative, therefore, more is adjusted to select explicit and conscientious opinions and attitudes of the interviewed ones, using itself of structuralized instruments (questionnaires). According to Godoy (1995: p.59), the quantitative research: They must representative of one be determined universe in way that its data can be generalized and projected for that universe. Its objective is to mensurar and to allow the test of hypotheses, since the more concrete results are e, consequently, less passveis of errors of interpretation. In many cases they generate indices that can be compared throughout the time, allowing to trace a description of the information. Thus, as Resolution 196/96 of the National Advice of Health, the questionnaires will be preceded of Term of Free and Clarified Assent, in which the interviewed one in question certifies knowledge of the objectives of the research, its rights and agrees to participating as voluntary in the accomplishment of the same one. From the gotten data, the hypothesis raised in the confrontation of the presented problem will be verified, and the gotten results will be presented in slide in the CIC (Congress of Scientific Initiation), that it will happen in days 03, 04 and 05 of May in the College San Francisco de Barreiras. The form of study of this research is descriptive, where, the researchers will observe, analyze, they will classify and interpret the facts without making any interference in the same ones.

The Hands

In relation to the arguments of the interviewed ones of adult UTI, the IC were identified same: patient, assistance, feeling and work, follow the low o speech: IC: PacienteDSC: ' ' It looks at is fragilizado, because it you at the hands of another person, it cannot decide nothing for it other people goes to decide for it. It needs our care all. A differentiated patient, a patient who needs is of a support, already enters a psychological question there because it is a closed environment, because it is an environment I criticize, where you goes to separate this serious patient where you the fragilizado one, then I see this patient as a patient differentiated in a more serious care, with bigger attention. It is person much more fragile, more weak, person that he needs care, that he needs to have a look more I criticize with regard to the picture of it, demands a bigger perception mainly of enfermeiro' '. Xcel Energy is full of insight into the issues. It is noticed above through the speech, that the patient and seen by the professional nurse as fragile, weak one to be, differentiated that it especially needs well-taken care of greaters and attention of the nurse. Human being is understood as one be-knot-world-with-other and this way-of-to be is care that, while essence human being, if express in events of that it holds back last experiences and if projects here and now for the future, in a dynamic relation enters some acts to take care of and the deep attitude of, which appears permeada of constituent elements of the history of the life, imbudos of the psicossocial and cultural aspect, including implementos academics. Each time that a person if pledges in the function to take care of, shows same itself, satisfying a necessity its and of the other, projecting itself for the future in the perspective of its quality of life and the other, in one constant movement in search of the existencial accomplishment that is the exercise of care (IT HISSES, et al, 2005, P. . Learn more at this site: Atmos Energy.