We go of a representation to another one throughout the net. The diverse medias are available we to connect following them our proper route. But in the reality the digital texts with hiperlinks do not allow in them to trace our proper route, only can choose that hiperlinks we desire to clicar. Some authors criticize this way to sail in digital texts evidencing that this ' ' tipo' ' of interaction he breaks up the thought of reads who it. However, some argue in contrast that this way is dynamic, of the linear fixture and. We need to reflect what it happens in the organization of the thought in the navigation for hiperlinks in texts in web. For Nelson (Aquino, online) in the idea of hipertexto, links does not break, that is, the documents are modified frequently and if it keeps connected between itself.

The practical hipertextual spread for the WWW is not accurately what Nelson thought, as already we saw previously. Berns-Lee (Aquino, online) invented the HTML, a format to store documents in the hard disk of a computer with permanent access to the Internet. Each computer would have localization specific called URL. To have access the URL a protocol is necessary the HTPP. Links is formed that they depend on the URL. To be able to read it is needed them a Browser. The creation of links is in accordance with the will of the programmer.

In this direction, this idea of hipertexto if distance of the idea of Nelson, therefore configure the absence of the collective of the practical hipertextual (Aquino, online). The basic idea, then, of hipertexto is the connection between documents constructed collectively, allowing to the participation of writers and readers actively in the elaboration of the texts. The collective if makes gift in the hipertextual writing. In the Wikis the collective if of when allowing that other people write and include links in the elaboration of the text.