Monthly Archive: March 2010

History The

History The company’s “Beverly Hills” (BHI) webhosting and web development began with a web directory itself, which was organized thematically in six “neighborhoods”. These were named as cities or regions according to their content – for example, Computer related sites were placed in “SiliconValley” and everything related to entertainment were assigned to “Hollywood”. Webcams are transmitting live real stood at various locations to highlight the geographical concept. In mid 1995 the company decided to offer users of its website, known as “Homesteaders”, the possibility of developing their own web pages in the neighborhoods of the company, assigning a street and house number. Currently, this scheme has been abandoned in favor of a schema with the user as a subdomain name. So then, chats, newsletters and other items were added soon virtual community, helping the fast growing website.In December of that year, Geocities now has fourteen districts, up thousands of Homesteaders a day and getting over six million pages per month. Given the success, the company decided to focus on increasing the number of users and expanding the virtual community. On the 15th of the month becomes known as GeoCities. Over time many companies, including Yahoo!, Begin to participate fully in Geocities and invest in it. The site continues to grow with the introduction of advanced payment services. In May 1997, the company introduces advertising on their pages. Despite negative reaction from users, the company continues to grow. At June 1997, GeoCities was the fifth most visited website in October of that year internet.This the company reaches a million Homesteaders. In June 1998, in an effort to increase its presence would mark, GeoCities introduced watermark on the pages of users.The watermark is much like a “fly” on a television. It consists of an advertisement in GIF format, transparent and floating. Use javascript to stay on the top right corner of your browser screen. Many users felt the watermark interfered with the design of your website and begin to move your pages to other servers. The watermark also causes safety problems with the browser and collides with the markup of some pages. Geocities said in a press release that the company has received congratulations on the watermark. The company entered the electronic stock market NASDAQ in June 1998, listed with the code ‘GCTY. The price of public offering is 17 USD, rising rapidly to over 100 USD.However, in January 2000, it was purchased by Yahoo! for 4,000,000,000 USD, with Yahoo! control on May 28. The acquisition by Yahoo! GeoCities proved extremely unpopular and users soon began to leave en masse to protest the new contract imposed by Yahoo! for GeoCities. Terms of the deal said the company would be the owner of all rights and content, including images and sounds. Quickly Yahoo! quickly reversed its decision. Yahoo! decides to eliminate neighborhoods and streets of the URLs. URLs are replaced with the type After a lawsuit was filed against AOL for its group of community leaders, GeoCities’ volunteer program (Community Leaders).In 2001, after speculation by analysts that GeoCities was not yet profitable (has declared an 8 million loss in the final quarter of 1998), Yahoo! introduced a service for-free premium hosting on Geocities. In April 2009 it was announced that GeoCities disappear for life, so it stopped accepting new registrations, so that finally the 26th of October 2009, all his servants were formatted so it was no longer possible to recover something that had been hosted on these servers.

Nevertheless … Olympic Stories III: Value. The Story of Shun Fujimoto.

Good day to have you! For the reasons explained in the previous post, I was able to meet (as I do with you now, through this “Cyber-Space”) with some of my old friends who came to visit. And we remembered anecdotes from the days of University. And there came a friend who practiced gymnastics, and the comments raised about whether the game is “women” or not.And talking and laughing, and above all, feeling alive and young and strong, enjoying the start of the IX Olympiad of the modern era, excited remember this history, who would like to share with you today, because I also help out my convalescence, and that I was “chique” (ie, “consenting”) too … and promise to be brief. Montreal Olympics in 1976. In the men’s gymnastics competitions for a change … a little pooo nganme the mismaaa … (uppsss, sorry, is that we were also listening to Vicente Fernandez), say for a change, teams from Japan and the Soviet Union are fighting for first place teams.Each has its biggest star, legendary gymnasts, as Nikolay Andrianov (USSR), with 17 Olympic medals, including 7 gold!, Won over 3 participations Olympic (the most decorated gymnast in history has achieved of the Games). But Japan is not far behind, as has the incredible Sawao Kato (by the way, debuted here in Mexico 68), winning 12 medals, 8 of them gold! Cerrad simo During this duel, the Japanese suffered a major blow: one of their young, Shun Fujimoto, to be competing in floor exercise, will crack the leg and knee (right, if I remember)! This being outside of competition, with disastrous results: In the team competition, are accounted for ALL points of all competitors. And you can not “replace” or make the switch from either of them (as in football, for example).So, unable to continue Fujimoto, misses the point of their involvement, and would be the Japanese debacle. Shun Fujimoto Legendary: note in the photo how already sought to hide the injury on his right knee, loading the weight on the other leg … of these men, and there are few, damn … Knowing this, Shun becomes convinced remain engaged, keeping the secret of the seriousness of his injury and his coach asks a little something to ease the pain. But … This she refuses, apart from altering their performance and reactions, that “analgesic” (as other substances) is forbidden by the rules. Y. .. to finish the tease, what event they believe he lacks the proper Shun Neither more nor less than … THE RINGS! Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen: These rings (or rings) are 50 cm in diameter and hang to just 2.5 meters FLOOR! So imagine the scene: Shun Fujimoto would have to rise to such rings, make turns and static with cleaning and maintenance also should land by turns, and with good posture on arrival, without fail or fall, on pain of losing the points. ..

Legal Cases

Legal Cases Lexmark won a lawsuit in 2005 for Arizona Cartridge Remanufacturers Association Inc. v. Lexmark International Inc.. This case indicates that Lexmark can enforce the policy of using only written on the side of the boxes of printer cartridges sold to certain large customers at a discount, on the understanding that customers would return the cartridges to Lexmark after using them. This means that these customers can face lawsuits if they break those agreements, and do not return the cartridges. Also in 2005, Lexmark suffered a legal defeat in the case v. Lexmark Int’l Static Control Components, when the Supreme Court of the United States rejected Lexmark’s petition for a writ of certiorari, rejecting his bid for the Court to hear their views.

World Trade Organization

World Trade Organization Actions In April 2004 the WTO ruled that U.S. 3 billion U.S. in cotton subsidies violate trade agreements and that almost 50 of EU sugar exports are illegal. In 1997-2003, U.S. cotton exports are subsidized by an average of 48 . The World Trade Organization (WTO) has extracted commitments from the Government of the Philippines, which is lower import barriers to half their current levels for a period of six years, and allows dramatically on increasing competition from heavily subsidized industrial countries and agricultural systems in North America and Europe. A recent Oxfam report estimates that the average household incomes of corn farmers will be reduced by up to 30 over the six years of cheap imports from the U.S. lower prices in local markets. The report estimates that in the absence of trade restrictions, subsidized U.S. corncould be marketed at less than half the price of maize grown in the Philippine island of Mindanao, and livelihoods of up to half a million Filipino corn farmers (out of 1.2 million) are under immediate threat. An economist writes: “Many programs are administered without regard to its distributional impact too. You should not guess from surprising then that these programs show ing undesirable distributional consequences. sor Certainly we should not take us, but for other reasons. It is arrogant to believe that neglect of the analyst in distributive issues is something I normal, compared with the behavior of other players in the game of politics. Moreover, the reason that are so undesirable distributional consequences is political precisely because someone pays full attention to the distributional impact.Policies with undesirable consequences for not approving igno rance, but by a combination of knowledge and apathy: the co nition of the few who know they can benefit their substantially to such distribution, and then strongly pushing for “their “program, and the apathy of many pa gan for him and for whom the cost is so small that individually worth doing more to oppose the pro gram. In fact, the losers can even support the pro gram in exchange for winning support from another program (with a different set of undesirable distributional consequences sealing lines) which in turn benefits them. The political attention to the distributional impact does not reflect a concern for equity, but quite the opposite. The in political Therese of the distribution is strictly local, while the analyst is merely theoretical.The political interest is, however, a response to the realities of the interplay of political forces, conflicts between groups and the struggle for government largesse. No wonder enton ces to achieve political interests become dominant in the decision-making pro cess and that the distributional consequences are so opposed to the plan said. INPUTS, OUTPUTS AND BENEFITS A basic premise of policy analysis is that the result sults of public policy are the best basis for evalu ating accomplishments. The apprentice must always analyst pen tooth not mistakenly use the inputs as a measure of program benefits. The benefits can be assessed properly only from how much is obtained from a program and not how much is invested in it.To evaluate, for example, programs for the U.S. Navy, an analyst does not consider or ponder the number of sailors, ships, and missiles avio tions, but evaluates the ability of the Navy for a var lle out various missions such as rescue, amphibious assault beaches, air strikes and submarine detection and destruction in a variety of scenarios. In contrast, politicians often find that for their purposes, inputs provide the appropriate measure of program benefits. For the analyst, for example, be efits of military programs are the results ( ing the national security), but the central issue for a politician is knowing how much profit and jobs to their voters cast (do not forget distribution) different types and levels of military expenditure.The politician may feel compelled to defend the sys ma war of choice in terms of national defense (re sults), but their assessment is often based on dollars and jobs (inputs). This difference in perspective helps explain the political resistance to the program budget. For the analyst, a program budget is very helpful in making decisions in public spending because the costs associated explicitly with the results of the program.

Como fazer um bom curriculum

Como fazer um bom curriculum Voc perdeu o emprego e n o faz a m nima id ia how come ar pela sua recoloca o search. O primeiro passo um bom develop curriculum. Follow as instru es psychologist Sandra Regina da Gouveia Moreira. Segundo ela, o melhor o synthetic curriculum and informative. Nele o emprego can find all that as informa es voc necessita know about, ou seja, quem voc , j fez or, no final results conseguiu emprego e, o mais importante, like getting em contato com voc . Given com nacionalidade, filia o and number of documents to interessam n o ningu m. As informa es devem be clearly organized.Lembre-se: or curriculum n o uma hist ria da sua life, and sim um resumo das suas Qualifica es that o emprego deve convince to cham-as para uma interview. Os types of curricula H tr s basic models, or chronological resume, or curriculum eo chronological-functional functional. Saiba quando um deles use each. – Chronological: xperiences apresenta profissionais na ordem reverse chronological (as mais recentes primeiro) and allows you expressar results alcan ou emprego em each. a mais appreciated hairs interviewers because d uma vis o geral do crescimento na carreira. – Functional: highlights empregadores fun es e n o os. It is the best model for com quem Freq ncia mudou de emprego, ou teve outras carreiras allows experi ncias curtas pois essas informa es, que n o ajudam intended to achieve or charge, sejam pouco emphasized. S no final two apresenta a rela o chronological empregadores. – Chronological-Functional: reverse chronological associ s ordem com os empregadores two positions, highlighting a experi ncia. o mais forte e communicative model. Adequado o mais para quem teve uma carreira e est vel solid and substantial experience. Os dados devem be disposto na seguinte ordem: 1. Dados pessoais – nome (in prominence), endere o, telefone, e-mail, nacionalidade, idade and marital status. Tip: Certify-is that your address, telephone number and e-mail this corretos, pois ser o essas as do we recruit only ways to enter em contato com voc . Never put numbers ou seus copies to documents. 2. Objective – To report a post em eo area aimed atuar. Dica: Se n o exatamente qual souber or charge that is concorrendo, we prefer to indicate the area. Lembre that os t tulos das fun es e sua responsabilidade burden variam de acordo com a empresa. 3. Qualifica es – rela o mais on desenvolvidas suas skills.Indicated para quem tem experi ncia. O diagram chama a aten o do we recruit and oferece a ele um resumo de suas features profissionais. Dica: Seja brief, self-praise n o nem preferably pessoais and subjective characteristics, such as “be honest and trabalhador. 4. Historic profissional – Cite o nome das empresas em que semper Trabalhou e da mais atual para a mais antiga. Se tiver uma rela o muito Companhia large properties, select as mais recentes, two past 15 years. Ap s company identify, set appointments held, tempo de trabalho e atividades made. 5. Forma o Acad mica – Mention nome da institui o, course and year of conclus o. Tip: It voc tem um full upper, n o necess rio put os dados do ensino m dio. 6. Languages / Outros courses – language report or eo n vel de conhecimento que tem um each.Cite familiaridade com sua computer, Internet (ou mais conhecimento de usu rio aprofundar) e outros extra-curricular courses, reports and programs, to entities ofereceu ea data. Tip: Select os tenham alguma courses relevant to or sought by e os que foram feitas discard h muitos anos. 7.

1894 – 1930

In 1984 the bank made changes in its structure, forming a large modern institution. Besides the deposits of businesses and individuals, his office began to provide short-term loans to industry and merchants. They also began placing shares and the issuance of bonds in France and Russia. The acquisition of shares has become a more secondary activity. The excellent financial health of the company allowed it to expand its shareholder structure. In 1895, Soci t G n rale had 14,000 shareholders, in 1913 they numbered 122,000. The war years were difficult and had serious consequences and resulted in the loss of business in Russia. However, during the 20’s Soci t G n rale became the leading bank in France: its network had grown sharply since 1890, with a number of offices that allowed great insight into the provinces. The number of branches rose from 1,005 in 1913 to 1457 in 1933.Thanks to the dynamism of the board members ahead of Cr dit Lyonnais in deposits and loans between 1921 and 1928. To satisfy the requirements of its investors, Societe Generale created a subsidiary, Calif., specializes in medium-term loans in 1928.

The project of

The project of “loans for shares” and the rise of the “oligarchs” The new capitalist opportunities due to the opening of the Russian economy in the late 80s and early 90s affected the interests of many people. As the Soviet system was being dismantled, well-placed leaders and technocrats in the Communist Party, the KGB and Komsomol (Communist Union of Youth) were taking advantage of the power and privileges they had in the Soviet era. Some gathered silently in your organization profits and hid overseas accounts and investments. Others created banks and businesses in Russia, taking advantage of their privileged positions to win exclusive government contracts and licenses to acquire financial crs and supplies at rock bottom prices low, subsidized by the state. It created great fortunes overnight. The privatization program was deeply corrupt from the beginning.The Western world generally advocated a quick dismantling of the Soviet planned economy to pave the way for the “free market reforms”, but later disagreed about power and corruption of the “oligarchs”. Some called this wave of spoils “nomenklatura capitalism”. At the time when the Yeltsin government undertook sweeping reforms, the “nomenklatura capitalists” had already established itself as powerful. Subsequently, the privatization of state enterprises gave many of those who had enriched the early 90’s an opportunity to convert their money into shares of privatized companies. The Yeltsin government hoped to use privatization to expand as much as possible the holding of shares in former state-owned enterprises, thus political support for his government and his reforms. The government used a system of free vouchers as a way to kick-start the mass privatization.But it also allowed people to buy shares in privatized companies with cash. The government ended the phase of privatization vouchers and cash privatization began devising a program to accelerate the privatization thought that while money would give him a much needed cash. Under the plan, which quickly became known in the West as “loans for shares”, the Yeltsin regime auctioned off substantial packages of shares in some of its most desirable companies, such as energy, telecommunications and metallurgy as collateral for bank loans. In exchange for loans, Yeltsin often gave valuable assets. Under the terms of the agreements, if the Yeltsin government did not return the loan in September 1996, the lender would become the title owner and could sell it or acquire an equivalent position in the company. The first auction took place in the fall of 1995.Usually made in a way that limited the number of bids for bank stocks so as to retain the stock price extremely low. In the summer of 1996, the largest parcels of shares in some of the largest Russian companies had been transferred to a small number of large banks, allowing banks to make these powerful owners of a large number of shares of large companies at prices surprisingly low. The concentration of immense financial and industrial power, which he had helped “loans for shares” scheme was extended to the media. One of the most important financial tycoons, Boris Berezovsky, who controlled large stakes in several banks and companies, exerted great influence on state television programming for a while.Berezovsky and other powerful and influential tycoons who controlled these great empires of finance, industry, energy, telecommunications and media became known as the “Russian oligarchs”. Along with Berezovsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Roman Abramovich, Vladimir Potanin, Vladimir Bogdanov, Rem Viajirev, Vagit Alekperov, Viktor Chernomyrdin, Viktor Vekselberg and Mikhail Fridman emerged as the most prominent and powerful oligarchsin Russia. Corruption covered the area of social relations in the new Russia. Today, what remains of what leaders are drug traffickers and organized crime (see also Russian Mafia). Among them is a small army of extortionists who left the ruins of the socialist system. The oligarchs, who used the contacts made during the last years of the Soviet era to plunder the vast resources of Russia during the unbridled privatization of the Yeltsin years, became the most hated men in the nation.